Step 1: Accessing the Email Template Editor

All email templates are managed through the Order Confirmation & e‑Tickets settings page. To access this area, you can either:

The email template editor functionality is not available for free events without a connected payment processor. If you need to customize emails for free events, please connect a payment processor to your account first.

Step 2: Email Template Overview & Dropdown Options

Once in the Order Confirmation & e‑Tickets area, you will see a dropdown menu that lets you select the different email templates. Below is a summary of the options and their coverage:

Email TypeDropdown OptionDescription
Order ConfirmationOrder Confirmation & E‑ticketsEmail sent to the customer confirming their order. Also where you can set the reply‑to address.
Individual AttendeeeTickets (Individual)Email for each individual attendee.
Free Order CancelledFree Order CancelledNotification for cancellation of free orders. (Note: The cancellation button has been disabled by default for new events due to previous spam filter issues.)
Order RefundedOrder RefundedEmail notifying that an order has been refunded.
Event ReminderEvent ReminderStandard reminder sent to attendees. You may also disable the default reminder to set up per‑event custom emails via the event’s Attendee Communication page.
Post‑Event Follow UpPost‑event follow upEmail sent after the event concludes.
Waitlist ConfirmationWaitlist confirmation emailConfirmation sent when someone is added to your waitlist. (Currently, this email cannot be customized.)
Membership Renewal ReminderMembership Renewal reminderReminder sent 48 hours before membership renewal.
Membership Renewal SuccessMembership Renewal SuccessEmail confirming a successful membership renewal.
Membership Renewal FailedMembership Renewal FailedNotification sent when a recurring membership fails to renew.

When you select an option, an editor will open where you can modify text, add links, include images, and insert placeholders that auto-populate attendee details.