SimpleTix Organizer App – Quick Start Guide
Step-by-step guide to setting up and troubleshooting the SimpleTix Organizer app for seamless event management.
For Event Organizers & Staff Only: The SimpleTix Organizer app is designed specifically for event organizers and staff members, not for ticket buyers. If you’re a ticket buyer looking for your tickets, check your email or the web link provided in your order confirmation.
SimpleTix Organizer App Guide
Watch our quick tutorial video to get started with scanning tickets:
Getting Started
Download & Install
- iOS: App Store
- Android: Google Play
- Ensure your device meets OS requirements and has a stable internet connection
Log In & Setup
- Use your organizer credentials to log in
- Ensure your account owner has added you as a user before attempting to sign in
- Verify your email is confirmed (unverified emails cannot log in)
Grant Required Permissions
For full functionality, allow the app access to:
- Camera (required for scanning tickets)
- Location (required for selling tickets)
- Bluetooth (required for connecting to Square hardware)
Configuring App Settings
These settings are device-specific. If you use multiple devices, you’ll need to configure each one separately.
Access Settings
Tap the hamburger menu (≡) in the top left corner, then select Settings
Configure Device Settings
- Device Name: Set a custom name to identify which device scanned tickets when using multiple devices
- Scanner Selection: Choose between device camera or Bluetooth scanner (Socket Scanners supported)
- Camera Selection: Select which camera to use (front camera recommended for iPads in Square Stands, back camera for smartphones)
- Square Version:
- US locations: Use Reader SDK
- Non-US locations: Use POS API
Set Additional Preferences
- Printer Selection: Configure receipt printer (if applicable)
- Automatic Logout Timer: Set how frequently the app should log out
- Scan Result Timer: Adjust how quickly scan results disappear after scanning
For non-US locations: If using the app with Square, select POS API in settings and ensure you have the Square POS app downloaded and logged in on your device. During checkout, the app will redirect your cart to the Square app for final payment processing.
Selling Tickets
Only users with Square can sell tickets in the app using Square Hardware. Stripe users need to manually enter credit card numbers.
Supported Square Hardware
- ✅ Square Stand (Version 2)
- ✅ Square Chip Card Reader
- ❌ Square Terminal & Register (Not Supported)
SimpleTix does not rent Square hardware. All Square hardware must be purchased directly from Square. If you need hardware for your event, please visit the Square hardware store to purchase compatible devices.
If using a Square reader in Canada, you need to switch the app settings to the correct mode. In the App Settings, change the Square version to “POS API” and ensure you have the Square POS app downloaded and logged in on your device. For pairing issues, try reinstalling the Square POS app.
Start a Sale
- Navigate to the Sell section
- Select your event from the list
- Add tickets to the cart
Add Products (Optional)
- Click Products on the top navigation to see Square items
- Add items from your Square catalog
- Note: Add more items to your Square catalog through the Manager Portal
Select Payment Method
Choose your payment method:
- Credit/Debit: For card payments
- Complimentary: For free tickets (must be enabled in Box Office Settings)
- Cash: For cash transactions (must be enabled in Box Office Settings)
Enter Attendee Information
- Fill in required attendee information
- Note: Configure required fields in the Manager Portal under Settings > Box Office
Complete Transaction
- Process the payment
- After completion, you can:
- Click Admit All to check in all tickets immediately
- Or click View Attendees to admit tickets individually
Using Admission Features
Access Admission Management
- Click Admit on the top navigation bar
- Select the event you want to manage
Manage Attendees
From the attendee list:
- Admit: Swipe right on an attendee
- Un-admit: Swipe left on an attendee
- View Details: Tap on an attendee to see their information
Edit Attendee Information
After tapping on an attendee, you can:
- Edit photos or names
- View attendee questions
- Check order notes
- Access their complete order details
Scanning Tickets
Choose Scanning Mode
You have two scanning options:
- Scan Anything Mode: Scan valid tickets for any event (recommended for multi-event venues)
- Event-Specific Scanning: Select an event, then tap the QR code icon in the bottom right (recommended for single events)
Scan Ticket Codes
- Point your device camera or connected scanner at the ticket’s QR code or barcode
- Hold steady until the code is recognized
Review Scan Results
A popup will display the ticket status:
- Green: Valid ticket, now admitted
- Red: Invalid ticket with an explanation of the issue
Managing Orders
Find Orders
- Tap Orders on the top navigation
- Search by:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Last 4 digits of the purchaser’s credit card
View Order Details
Tap on an order to:
- See all line items
- Re-email tickets to customers
- Send text messages to attendees
- Cancel orders (without refunds)
Process Admissions
From the order details screen:
- Tap Admit Now to check in all tickets at once
- Tap View Attendees to admit tickets individually (swipe right to admit, left to un-admit)
Handle Refunds and Notes
- Process full refunds directly in the app
- For partial refunds, use the Manager Portal
- Add order notes by scrolling down in the Order Details screen
How to Sell Tickets Online
Detailed guide on online ticket sales procedures.
Configure Box Office Staff Settings
Instructions for setting up staff and extending operational guidance.
Manage eTicket Settings
Troubleshooting tips for ticket settings in the organizer app.
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